Lee Popiolek is LOC's 2020 Member of Note
2020 has made us all too familiar with pandemics, hurricanes, quarantines, earthquakes, concerns about the health and safety of family and friends near and far. Thank goodness we had our Liberty Oak Chorus activities and experiences to look forward to each week. Oh wait. LOC as we knew it was suddenly gone. Literally here one day and gone the next. It felt like we lost not only the music but each other and it was devastating.
And then…..ZOOM! Our musical life did not return to normal but thanks to our Member of Note it improved dramatically. With patience, expertise, and dedication, Lee Popiolek held 90 plus hands and convinced us all was not lost. Liberty Oak Chorus would survive and it has.
Lee is a professional organizer specializing in all kinds of life skills for students and adults including those with special needs. She has co-chaired the Assisting Chorus responsibilities for LOC using those skills to ensure all positions are filled and the Region 15 Convention runs smoothly. She is a proud member of the Awesome Basses of LOC and loves every minute on the risers. She is married to her awesome husband, John, and has a lovely daughter, Robin, who just completed a degree in Pastry Arts and has made some incredible desserts for the family.
Some of the comments in her nominations are…
"She is a very warm-hearted person and a great Ambassador for the Chapter."
"Part of her efforts involving Zoom meetings include being attentive and sensitive to the needs of the director."
"She has been a key player in keeping the chorus connected during these unprecedented times."
"She does what she does for the love of the chorus."
Liberty Oak Chorus is very pleased to announce Lee Popiolek as our 2020 Member of Note. We thank her for all she has done to zoom us into the future