Recent news
LOC enjoyed a spooktacular day at Freehold Borough’s Halloween Spooktacular Hayride!
LOC had its first coaching session in nineteen months! We were joined by the talented Michael Gellert, who taught us to "sing above the mask".
Join the members of Liberty Oak Chorus for a 101 Class on Barbershop Basics! The class will be part of Sweet Adeline International Region 15's educational event, Vocalfest! Voocalfest will be virtual this year and takes place this Saturday, September 18. Visit ...
moreLOC was honored to perform during Freehold Township's tribute to the 20th Anniversary of September 11.
Nancy Lowell is back in our LOC family and we are thrilled!
LOC is using all the tools available to keep our members safe while we prepare for Phoenix 2022. This is the view our members experienced while participating remotely. Nothing stops LOC!
The storms didn't stop LOC! We only wished the tornado alerts were in the right key! We are singing with masks back on but we’re together doing what we love .
LOC welcomes Maggie Donapel, the newest addition to our bass section. Looking forward to ringing chords with Maggie!
A warm welcome to Debbie Warshausr, LOC's newest lead!
Congratulations to LOC members who were recognized by...
moreWe are so happy to have Fran Pinsdorf and Jennifer Cremonesi joining our ranks in the lead section! Fran is a dual member with Harmony Celebration, and Jennifer is a brand new barbershopper. Director Katie Blackwood and Membership Chair Carol Meaney welcomed them at our parking lot rehearsal on...
moreWe are excited to welcome Cheryl Tirri as our newest dual member with Liberty Oak Chorus and Harmony Celebration Chorus! Cheryl sings bass.